Screw the EZYPOR onto the bottle (easy install). Remove the top child-proof cap. The extension nozzle pops up to enable easy pouring into small openings.

Gently squeeze the bottle. The liquid in the bottle moves up the tube and starts to fill the reservoir. Stop squeezing when the correct level is reached. (max of 20ml per measure).

Invert the bottle and pour out the liquid. A valve inside the EZYPOR prevents any more liquid from coming out of the bottle while it is inverted. This ensures an accurate measure.

When you return the bottle to upright, any drips get trapped by the pop-up nozzle as shown here. When the cap is replaced, the nozzle pushes down and returns the drip to the reservoir.

Replace the cap. Now you’re finished with clean hands, no smell, and the right amount. Keep the EZYPOR on the bottle. It is sealed and is designed to stay on the bottle. When your bottle runs out, you can re-use it for the next one!